Vin And I

This is a personal tribute to my departed cousin and friend, HRM Eze Professor Chukwuemeka Vincent Ike, OFR, NNOM, Ugwu Aro, Eze Ikelionwu 11, who departed this earth on 9th January, 2020, and was laid to rest on 11th April, 2020. I have always known him as Vin and first …

Flash Back – JOB SEEKING

I spent the first three months of 1960 living with Mr Okeke-ifi and his family in the Railway Quarters in Kaduna and my preoccupation was writing applications for a clerical job while waiting for the results of the West African School Certificate examinations. The preferred job with many school leavers …

Flash Back – FOOLS RUSH IN

  There is a saying that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Well, in 1960 I rushed headlong into suffering. I had done very well in the West African School Certificate examination. That coupled with all the praises and encouragement by relatives and friends made me to forget …

Flash Back – PJJ & RRD

One important thing that happened to me during my holidays was meeting a cousin called Vincent Ike. He was a graduate and was organising a fledgling student’s union for the town. He was tall and lanky and self confident. I was overawed. I was a totally unexposed and timid junior …