Malaria And Us

Five hundred years ago Europeans were in competition all over the world discovering and conquering new territories for their monarchs. The Portuguese, the Spanish, the British, in particular, were most active sailing westwards and later round the Cape of Good Hope towards Asia for cloves and wealth. But it was …


Extract from my book : Many years ago one of my favourite movies was `Coming To America’, featuring Eddie Murphy in a most hilarious portrayal of an African prince who had come to America in search of a wife. I came to America about two years ago certainly not …

Bitter Sweet

A Collection of Short Stories. America, Here I Come. A septuagenarian goes to all the trouble to get an American Green Card. But, being unemployable, all he has are the television and his thoughts! And his thoughts lead him in circles. Where is the world going? Why are Africans running …

Dance Of The Vultures

Pat Jenkins, an Englishman working in bustling Lagos, was one evening in one of the prestige Clubs in Lagos introduced to another Englishman, Brian Jones, a long term resident of Lagos and manager of a shipping line. Early the next morning Pat answered a knock on his door and was …